See also: Fear, Nervousness, Worry

What Is It About?

Handling Anxiety

In The Moment

Training our brain to use a relevant process helps us to focus more effectively and move on more easily. Using it often will also help our brain to catch Anxiety sooner, making it easier to manage.


The 3 minute video below gently goes through a combination of the techniques mentioned in this section, using a calming voice and simple animated drawings, to the relaxing background sound of waves on a beach. 

N.B. It may help to run through the video a few times.


If the emotion feels quite troubling, it’s usually worth checking if something else is going on first.

By resolving things in ourselves and clearing any other residual emotions, we can reduce the intensity of the emotion - now and when we encounter it again in future. 

Doing so also makes us less likely to ‘attract’ other difficulties that leave us feeling the same way.

See the Processing and Clearing an Emotion page for a generic process to resolve and clear an emotion.

Working Through Anxiety

The actions we choose to take in response to an emotion can make a significant difference to how well we adjust and move on from it.

The more we take genuine actions that are uplifting and ‘right’ i.e., are good for ourselves and everyone else (including the environment and other living beings) - for now, and over the long-term, the better our experience of life becomes.

Once our nervous system has settled a bit we can take a closer look at the situation to decide the best approach, which may involve one or more of:

  • If our nervous system has been overloaded, taking more time to allow ourselves to recover, and using a more managed approach (see the next section).

  • Giving ourselves what we need to be in a better position to deal with the situation, and to move in a positive direction.

  • Doing the right amount of preparation and practice – not too little and not too much, to put ourselves on the front foot.  Appreciating that learning is a process that takes time, and often a lot of trial and error.

  • Using our problem-solving skills and intuition to come up with a doable plan (that also fits well with who we are), and if required, adding a bit of courage, self-talk, and focused action to make it happen.

  • Backing ourselves to go for it, doing our best, and having faith that it will all work out one way or another.

  • Taking focused action that matches the plan, whilst remaining flexible to adapt to the situation.

  • Appreciating how far we have come already, and what else is working well in our life.

  • Frequently reviewing our progress, learning from our experience as we go, and adapting our approach to get a better result.

  • If the situation requires it, taking a more structured approach to help pinpoint what changes will be beneficial, including:


If our nervous system feels a bit hammered or fragile, taking a phased approach can help us to recover and gradually make our way back to more challenge again:

Clearing Residual Anxiety

Emotional energy can stick with us, even after we have worked through and resolved whatever caused it.

There are a number of ways we can clear the energy, including doing something physical in nature, imagining the emotion leaving our body, or for more intense emotions, there is a variety of different therapies and alternative forms of energy healing that can also help.