What Is It About?

Napkin Version

We can feel sad if we are in a situation we don’t want to be in, if we aren’t following our heart and doing what is important to us, or if we have endured something that isn’t good for us, for too long. 

Sadness can also be like a pressure release valve when we are under a lot of stress, and our tears help to release some of the built-up pressure.

In a nutshell, sadness shows us when our needs aren’t being met, and helps us to slow down, take time out, reflect on the situation, check our priorities, find a better way for ourselves, and get the help we need to make beneficial changes. 

The intensity of sadness can increase with our own inaction to make changes, and decrease as soon as we take the first step towards something better for ourselves (including getting help to do it).

Handling Sadness

In The Moment

Training our brain to use a relevant process helps us to focus more effectively and move on more easily. Using it often will also help our brain to catch Sadness sooner, making it easier to manage.


If the emotion feels quite troubling, it’s usually worth checking if something else is going on first.

By resolving things in ourselves and clearing any other residual emotions, we can reduce the intensity of the emotion - now and when we encounter it again in future. 

Doing so also makes us less likely to ‘attract’ other difficulties that leave us feeling the same way.

See the Processing and Clearing an Emotion page for a generic process to resolve and clear an emotion.

Working Through Sadness

The actions we choose to take in response to an emotion can make a significant difference to how well we adjust and move on from it.

The more we take genuine actions that are uplifting and ‘right’ i.e., are good for ourselves and everyone else (including the environment and other living beings) - for now, and over the long-term, the better our experience of life becomes.

Working through Sadness involves taking a step back to identify and make positive changes in our life. 

Clearing Residual Sadness

Emotional energy can stick with us, even after we have worked through and resolved whatever caused it.

There are a number of ways we can clear the energy, including doing something physical in nature, imagining the emotion leaving our body, or for more intense emotions, there is a variety of different therapies and alternative forms of energy healing that can also help.