What Is It About?

Napkin Version

Grief often accompanies a significant loss in our life - be that of a loved one, an experience, or even a future we had our heart set on.  It comes in many forms as it helps us to accept, come to terms with, and make our way through the transition in our own way and own time - since every person, every loss, and every life journey, is different.

If we experience a major loss in our life, it can feel like our world has been turned upside down, inside out, and flipped around.  Much of what we knew and loved about our life is no longer.  This kind of loss can be dis-orienting, mind-numbing, emotion-charging, and deeply painful – all at the same time.  It can be even more challenging if we also need to make significant life decisions while going through the emotional turmoil that the loss brings. 

It’s no surprise then that this kind of loss can take some time to make our way through. 

Some of the factors that can contribute to the intensity of Grief felt include:

  • if the loss was unexpected, or the situation involved some kind of shock or other intense emotions.

  • how important who/what has been lost was to us, and if we deeply miss them/the experience.

  • if there are things left unsaid.

  • how much impact they/it, and the loss, will have upon our life.

Having good support around us can help to reduce some of the intensity of our Grief, especially if it is from others who are going through (or have been through) a similar experience.  Grief Support Groups can be very helpful in this way. 

We can also experience a variety of other intense emotions whilst we work through Grief – not only as a result of the void we feel and the upheaval we are going through, but also because our nervous system will be overworked with processing the loss and any associated trauma.  So what may normally generate a lower intensity emotion e.g., Frustration, can instead generate a higher intensity one e.g., Anger.

Often it is difficult to allow ourselves to properly grieve until after the initial arrangements have been taken care of e.g. after the funeral of a loved one, or after we have physically left a job or relationship. 

Pure Grief tends to pass through in waves of emotion.  Over time, these waves will usually be less often, and on average, less intense.  However they can occasionally be stronger than recent waves, especially around special occasions or events in our life.

We often never completely ‘get over’ a significant loss, but instead usually gain a deeper appreciation, reverence, and gratitude, for the impact the loved one or experience had upon our life.  This deeper sense of appreciation is a gift on its own, as it usually provides us with a new level of ‘knowing’ and a greater understanding of life.

So through the grieving process we are reminded of the importance of life, the value of our life experiences, and the impact we have upon each other as we go through it.

Handling Grief

In The Moment

Training our brain to use a relevant process helps us to work through it more effectively, and move on from it more easily.


If the emotion feels quite troubling, it’s usually worth checking if something else is going on first.

By resolving things in ourselves and clearing any other residual emotions, we can reduce the intensity of the emotion - now and when we encounter it again in future. 

Doing so also makes us less likely to ‘attract’ other difficulties that leave us feeling the same way.

See the Processing and Clearing an Emotion page for a generic process to resolve and clear an emotion.

Working Through Grief

The actions we choose to take in response to an emotion can make a significant difference to how well we adjust and move on from it.

The more we take genuine actions that are uplifting and ‘right’ i.e., are good for ourselves and everyone else (including the environment and other living beings) - for now, and over the long-term, the better our experience of life becomes.

Grief is a process that can take us a while to make our way through. How we do so can vary according to what part of the process we are in:

Clearing Residual Grief

Emotional energy can stick with us, even after we have worked through and resolved whatever caused it.

There are a number of ways we can clear the energy, including doing something physical in nature, imagining the emotion leaving our body, or for more intense emotions, there is a variety of different therapies and alternative forms of energy healing that can also help.